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BRB while I go tell my fiancé he REALLY needs to go get tested for diabetes 😤 🙄 😒

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Thank you so much Taylor, really appreciate your kind words! 🫶🏻

Tell him it's a simple and quick blood test, no prep needed either

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Great information Sara. It makes so much sense. What we fuel our bodies with and will effect our brains. Good or bad. A lot can be taken from this in the aspect of the new term ‘type 3 diabetes’. Where researchers are linking high glucose levels to people with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

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I assume HCPs discuss the varying levels of HBA1c and what their impact is physiologically, as a T2D that can more or less control their diabetes by lifestyle and maybe some medication is not the same as someone on insulin. It’s truly an awful disease but I believe people don’t truly know the impact of it long term. I’m afraid for the future generation as there are kids developing T2D at alarming rates…

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