It's amazing how media can blow things up. I love this breakdown of the study!!!

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Thank you, Taylor!! It’s honestly ridiculous, but once again it’s money driven, more clicks, more shares means more money

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Isn't that so sad?! That's how insurance is too and it's awful.

It also REALLY sucks that there is not more research on women's health in general. We are very under researched.

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Yeap completely agree, part of the issue of the under research is that a lot of diseases present are highly heterogeneous that are specific to women or a lot of times they’re masked by symptoms that look like other diseases. A big reason in pharma it’s also that they fear the hormonal fluctuations will affect results so they don’t tend to include many, especially those of reproductive age. You should read invisible women by Caroline Perez, she has v good examples about such inequalities!

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I've been waiting for years to be able to learn and digest information like this from people like you! I am so so so excited to go read this book. It's been added to my Amazon list!!!

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Aug 17Liked by Sara Sousi

I’ve been told that the vaginal walls do not absorb things; that’s why you can’t use boric acid mixed with vaginal antifungal cream to treat (almost overnight) yeast infections. But ingesting boric acid can be dangerous.

Our daughter uses a menstrual cup (wish they’d been around when I was younger) with great success; risks would be similar to diaphragm usage.

Yes, the media blows many things out of proportion, fails to provide context, misreports and disseminates disinformation almost continually.

Thank you for doing the heavy lifting research to put this issue into its proper perspective. General population choose spoon fed dumbed down fodder and the news media depends on “shock” factor to keep watching them watching.

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As far as I am aware the vaginal walls can indeed absorb things, and hence why there are certain treatments like vaginal suppositories, creams, and local hormone replacement therapies (e.g. oestrogen cream). Menstrual cups are quite big at the moment, the only thing that would personally concern me is microplastics, but truly have not looked into it. I assume if they're medical grade silicone, that probably would not be the case.

Completely agree regarding things getting taken out of context, it's completely unacceptable in my eyes, as these viral stories instil fear in millions of people. That being said, this study does bring up good points that we don't necessarily know what are in tampons nor how our body absorbs those compounds / chemicals. Considering how many a woman uses over her lifetime, could there possibly be some adverse effect? Similarly, to the endocrine disruptors which are found in menstrual products, think the distinct and artificial scent of pads (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37743685/). All of this is definitely thought provoking, and shows the lack of research and understanding of the long-term effect on our bodies, for items that are used due to need rather than preference (like that of make-up).

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Sorry that was can use boric acid powder

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