Sara, I am humbled to appear in your text! The way you described saunas makes me want to go visit one right now! Since I am a huge fan of cold exposure, I believe adding heat exposure to the mix will balance my experiences. Personally I like steam sauna the best, but the last time I have visited one was 2 years ago for the best. Cheers and keep on good writing!

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Thank you Tomas for your kind words! I have a feeling that they will be AirPod free 😂

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Totally free and aware of the surroundings!😂

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May 3Liked by Sara Sousi

Is there any difference between a sauna and a steam room as far as these benefits are concerned?

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Heat exposure is what drives these benefits, steam rooms tend to not reach as high temperatures as the traditional saunas so that is their main difference. Now that being said, it's hard to quantify exactly what the % of those benefits observed in trad sauna would be seen in one using a steam room, as they do also depend on the session length and overall frequency of attendance. Outside of the relaxing aspect, the rest still holds but with everything health it's hard to directly say what the direct effect is as everyone is different :)

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What a great breakdown of all the benefits to heat exposure.

I've been a regular steam room user for about 10 years simply because I feel great afterwards but I really enjoyed learning some of the science behind it.

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May 3·edited May 3Author

Thank you, Brian!

That’s my aim with these post; to explain the science in an easy and digestible manner but also what the direct impact is. Sometimes it’s beneficial (eg the calming effect + health benefits for sauna) other times not so much (eg the case of fish oil consumption)!

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Fascinating post on the benefits of saunas! Love the breakdown of the science behind how saunas improve overall health, growth hormone, and heart health. Especially interesting about the connection between sauna use and endorphin release - sounds like a great way to de-stress! Will definitely consider incorporating more sauna time into my routine. Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you, Ayesha! Happy to hear you enjoyed :) Let me know if you end up visiting!

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